Racial Discrimination Linked To Deteriorating Health Conditions Of Black Canadians

First Posted: Feb 23, 2017 05:56 AM EST

The "Black History Month" celebrated in the month of February in Canada has once again stirred the discussion of the real time impacts of racism on the mental status and physical well-being of the black Canadians. It is obvious that racial remarks and behaviors impose a negative impact on the self-esteem and crushes the confidence of the victim from the inside. Also, according to the results of recent studies and surveys, racial discrimination is also responsible for deterioration of physical health.

According to Dr. Onye Nnorom from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, the black Canadians are subject to racial discrimination that worsens their socioeconomic status and impacts their health as well. While the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends the consideration of income, education, culture and physical environment as key factors that determine the health status of people, there is no mention of racial discrimination.

National Household Survey conducted in 2011 also indicated that the black Canadians have an average annual income of $24,000, which was considerably low than that of other minority groups ($31,000) residing in Canada. Furthermore, the unemployment rates in black Canadians is also higher than others.

After considering all these factors, the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent recommended that most black Canadians are victims of racial discrimination and are even denied of fair chances of employment. This is why they are living in poverty and cannot afford to take care of their health, The Star reported.

In an effort to change the living status of the black Canadians, experts are suggesting that the "Black History Month" should be used as an opportunity to teach young children about racial discrimination and prepare them for any such encounters in the future, CBC News reported.

Though it is hard to believe, the results of these nationwide studies have proven that most black Canadians face physical ailments that they are unable to treat due to financial constraints. It was also found that about 40 percent of children present in Toronto Children's Aid society are black, which is shocking, since only 8 percent of the total children population is from the black families.

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