Samsung Galaxy S8 Features Update: Samsung Bixby May Take Time To Reach The US

First Posted: Apr 12, 2017 04:25 AM EDT

After a hyped-up unveiling of Samsung's latest virtual assistant Bixby, the tech giant stated that it will not accompany the Samsung Galaxy S8 features for now. The company's latest front runner that is expected to launch April 21 worldwide will not incorporate the Samsung's hallmark feature for the U.S. customers.

As reported by Ars Technica, the new Samsung Galaxy S8 features offered a number of impressive upgrades of which the Samsung Bixby was a part. While most of Bixby's functions resemble those of the Google Assistant, the former had a few aces up its sleeve that give it a unique identity to some extent. The South Korean tech giant's latest virtual assistant accompanies features like camera and text-powered searches.

Tech Crunch reported that the Samsung Galaxy S8 will delay its English version (meant for the western users) of Bixby voice assistant. The site further noted that Samsung will offer the assistant as an upgrade later this year, probably in spring. After the alleged acquisition by Viv labs on the company for building Bixby out of a purchased AI from Apple's Siri developers, Samsung noted that Bixby will launch a little late for the U.S. customers.

The company had already explained that Samsung Bixby Voice will not be available worldwide at the time of launch. However, some integrated card features are expected to be there on the device. Samsung Galaxy S8 features were unveiled at the event held late March, giving fans an introduction to the key upgrades on the new device. Among them, the Bixby button was also revealed as a new addition to the layout of the device.

If Samsung wants its customers to use that feature to the full extent, it will need to roll out the Bixby voice assistant update as soon as users get their hands on the new device. Hopefully, the Samsung Galaxy S8 features update for the Bixby app will be out soon.

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