Newly Developed World's Thinnest Hologram Could Integrate 3D-Holography In Electronics

First Posted: May 19, 2017 05:00 AM EDT

Scientists discovered the world's thinnest hologram that could integrate 3D holography into electronics. These include television, computers and smartphones.

The findings of the discovery were published in the journal Nature Communications on May 18, 2017. The study was led by Min Gu, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology's Distinguished Professor, and other colleagues. The nano-hologram is simple to make and could be perceived without 3D googles. It is 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. Professor Gu conceptualized this thinnest hologram, according to

Professor Gu said that conventional computer-generated holograms are too big for electronic devices. On the other hand, this ultrathin hologram could overcome those size barriers. He added that their nano-hologram is also created utilizing simple and fast direct laser writing system. This could be applicable for large-scale uses and mass manufacture.

Professor Gu further said that incorporating holography into electronic could make screen size irrelevant -- a pop-up 3D hologram that could show a wealth of data that does not neatly fit on a phone or watch. The 3D holography could transform various industries. These include medical diagnostics, education, defense, cyber security and education, among others.

The scientists also collaborated with the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT). The team has broken the thickness limit with a 25-nanometer hologram by using a special material that permits the light to pass through it.

The hologram is described as a photographic recording of a light field instead of a picture developed by a lens. It shows a fully three-dimensional image of the holographic object. This object is perceived without the help of special glasses or other intermediate optics.

The hologram is not a picture, but rather, it is a programming of the light field as an interference pattern of random variations in the density, surface, opacity of the photographic medium. It could display parallax and perspective that could be changed realistically with any change through the relative position of the observer. 

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