Brain Power Wellness Reviews: What Does It Mean to Train Our Brain?

First Posted: Sep 25, 2024 05:54 AM EDT
Brain Power Wellness

(Photo : Brain Power Wellness)

"Brain training" is a holistic and multi-dimensional series of training that offers various levels. Brain Power Wellness, a school-based wellness organization, devotes much attention to and focuses on the brain, as a key element of brain training is that it begins with the core, our centrally located storehouse of energy. Brain Power Wellness reviews frequently highlight the positive impact of its programs on both mental and physical well-being, emphasizing the importance of core health as a foundation for effective brain training.

The Vital Brain-Gut Connection

A healthy brain-gut connection, or pathway of communication, is essential for enabling our brains to grow in ever-expanding ways—in other words, to be a trainable organ. The problem is our intestines, the primary organ of our core, can easily become clogged, gaseous, and tight if not given proper and regular attention and maintenance. The best way to prevent or, at least, resolve this is through movement. Simply put, our brain cell neurons need help from the rest of the body in the form of physical exercise. The good news is that, with just one hour of physical exercise, we can increase by 70% our daily production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a critical protein in our body that builds and protects neuronal growth and function.

Growing the Heart Through Growth Mindset and Training Our Brain to Sense Emotions

The heart has its own neural network and sends more messages to the brain than the brain does to the heart. We are all aware that our heart is a muscle, but how do we train that muscle to develop into an empathetically oriented machine that guides our brain in making decisions that form our character?

The book Mindset by Carol Dweck, published in 2006, has revolutionized the need to build a simple but highly effective set of phrases and vocabulary surrounding reorienting our minds so that we can evolve as more understanding, patient, and honest people. Carol's message is straightforward and simple: take a regularly-wired phrase of negative and fixed orientation and open it up so that the very same words, phrased differently, will actually cause a completely different outcome in our approach to everything in life. This is not easy but can be accomplished by training the brain to listen and connect more with our hearts and what we know to be right.

Training Our Brains in Heightened Sensory Perception

In every series of Teacher Professional Training, Classroom Visits, Family Retreats, and Advanced Student Leader training, Brain Power Wellness offers participants a chance to feel the connection between their physical body and the energetic field that surrounds them. Training, in this way, is an experience that generates a refined sense of sensitivity to the subtle systems that we are connected with both in and around our bodies.

As Brain Power Wellness reviews, we can actually choose to extend the limits of our perceived abilities. Through making a choice to challenge our concepts of what is deemed "normal," we are able to do things such as laugh or cry for no reason and for long periods of time.

Brain Power Wellness uses an isometric posture called 'Sleeping Tiger' to help facilitate a greater accumulation of power in the core. After a certain time, participants have experienced that they are able to hold this difficult position with little effort due to the natural energy source that accumulates and becomes activated in the core (lower abdomen) that helps them to hold their legs and arms in the air for long periods of time even up to 30 minutes. Equally amazing is the "Spoon Sticking" exercise, whereby participants are offered an explanation of how to stick a spoon to their forehead resulting in a state of peacefulness that actually attracts and magnetizes the metal towards their brains. This is no magic trick, it is based on training the brain how to focus on a particular part of the body, in this case, the forehead, so the heat from the blood circulation actually helps the spoon to stick to that area of the forehead. If one has distracted thoughts, the brain cannot focus well, and the spoon will not stick. While doing this activity, the brain becomes focused, the mind becomes relaxed, and breathing becomes deeper, which facilitates a very healthy and natural state of health.

Brain Power Wellness offers a transformative approach to brain training that extends beyond traditional methods, embracing the connection between body, mind, and heart. Through a focus on core strength, sensory awareness, and emotional intelligence, the organization provides participants with the tools to cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their surroundings. Brain Power Wellness reviews consistently emphasize the life-changing effects of these practices, illustrating how a well-rounded approach to brain training can enhance mental clarity, physical vitality, and emotional well-being. By integrating these holistic techniques, we can unlock new potential within ourselves, fostering not only cognitive growth but also a more empathetic and balanced way of living.

About Brain Power Wellness

Brain Power Wellness (BPW) is a holistic organization committed to creating vibrant and nurturing educational environments in schools. The primary goal of Brain Power Wellness is to transform the culture of educational institutions by promoting personal growth, mindfulness, community unity, immersive retreat experiences, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), comprehensive wellness practices, and cognitive enhancement techniques tailored for educators, students, families, and school leaders. Impressively, BPW's influence has expanded to corporate sectors and within the prison system of NYC, where teams and individuals now benefit from life-changing retreats and services that provide participants with essential strategies to foster healthy, sustainable, and positive environments.

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