Healthful snacks could lower the blood sugar of the diabetics and manage the symptoms of diabetes.
Spermidine-rich foods could prevent or reverse liver cancer and boost longevity, according to a new study.
First malaria vaccine to be tested in Africa. The continent has the highest number of malaria cases in the world.
Room temperature storage of vaccines can help in its distribution in remote areas.
Genetic variation in humans necessitates prescription of personalized diet plans for better adherence.
Regular intake of optimal quantity of dark chocolate can reverse the effects of aging.
Drinking higher sugary beverage every day could affect the brain, according to a new study.
The new personalized cancer vaccine that is being developed and trialed could protect people from tumors.
If not reverse, trazodone can halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
The blood from the umbilical cord of babies could repair and enhance the memory of an aging mice.
It is not just any frog but only Hydrophylax bahuvistara.
New research studies on rats reveal novel facts on the role of retinal ganglions in causing and quite possibly curing jet lag.