Charles Darwin's controversial theory may prove to be true, despite skepticism.
The thawing of Alaska's soils triggers expulsion of carbon dioxide into the air.
The number of glaciers in the national park in the U.S. has been reduced in many years.
The global warming limit of 1.5°C for the 21st century can be broken by 2026 itself.
A beach on the west coast of Ireland retains its splendid beauty again after it was destroyed by some storms 33 years ago.
The scientists have discovered oversized landforms below the Antarctic ice sheet.
A massive impact crater, which could be the second largest crater in the world, is discovered near the South Atlantic Ocean.
The global warming leads to the development of global shipping in the Arctic region.
Noise pollution becoming a problem in the United States as protected areas become noisier.
The fragments of the lost continent Mauritia were found in the tropical paradise of Mauritius.
Humpback whales interfere with orca hunting season in Monterey Bay, California.
An eerie dark streak across the Arabian Sea was captured by NASA's Terra satellite.