Birds can increase their brain size to better cope with the changing weather conditions as a result of climate change.
Cheetah numbers have declined in the last century, leading scientists to put it on the "endangered species" list.
The Uluru National Park turns into beautiful vast waterfalls, yet quite dangerous.
President Obama is not finding enough time to permanently conserve the Arctic refuge.
Cheetahs, the world's fastest mammals, are racing toward extinction because of human development.
Scientists recorded 133 new species in the year 2016, which included plants, fishes, insects and other animals.
NASA's new space laser could help assess the peak or decline of phytoplankton, microscopic underwater plants, that are vital in the oceanic food chain.
Water for Wildlife Foundation, a Lander-based group, installs guzzlers in areas suffering from droughts to help provide water to wildlife.
Midwest America is going to experience blizzards and freezing rain in the next couple of days, and it is going to be a white New Year's Eve.
Scientists discovered that single cellular slime molds exercise team learning activities by fusing with already learnt molds and then pass on the behavior.
Arctic weather is getting hotter by more 20 degrees Celsius than the average this Christmas Eve.
A newly discovered coral reef fish from the Hawaiian Islands was named after U.S. President Barack Obama.