The storm layer does what friction does for normal liquids.
Why rich people are getting richer and poor are becoming poorer?
National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France, is all set to host the first ever race of nano cars.
Explaining consciousness remains a puzzle for both physicists and spiritualists.
The proposed dark axion portal may be the connecting link between the visible and the dark universe.
The biggest physics event of the year was concluded last Friday.
Scientists rally to defend findings on climate change after EPA administrator denied humans as cause.
MIT researchers created "microlenses" that could act as microscopes.
This may help basketball players master the art of passing the ball through the hoop every single time.
This could replace damaged retina and gives hope to millions of people with retinal degeneration.
Magnetic balls are studied to understand the role of physical forces in providing stability to unstretchable materials.
According to the world-renowned physicist, the "string theory" could have the potential to be a "Theory of Everything."