The astronauts may be forced to munch on the newly formulated breakfast bars made by NASA.
ESA is asking for financial support for the millions of dollars worth of study on the Red Planet.
Moon Express will be the first company to land on the Moon.
The Arctic archipelago is heating up that it could end up higher than the freezing point.
A rare fogbow was captured in Scotland.
Artificial muscles are another breakthrough research by the MIT.
The family of stars is located at the core of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Researchers review 14 previous studies and found how marijuana affects the brain of cannabis users.
Tesla will light up the entire city of Ta'u in American Samoa using solar panels.
After being lost for a couple of months, experts found that the Schiaparelli EDM Lander crashed into Mars.
A research found that drinking wine before smoking can counteract the negative effects of cigarette smoking.
The survival of animals is not an option for some species.