Do you know these facts about the animals in the film?
The haze, a phenomenon that can also be seen on Earth and Mars, may be caused by gravity waves.
India, known to be active in tiger preservation, plans to relocate some of their tigers to Cabodia, where tiger population has been deemed extinct.
Physicists are starting to accept the possibility of parallel universes -- but would everyone else buy in to the idea?
Humanity failed dodo birds over and over and over again by ignoring the plight of these flightless birds.
A local religious ritual has contributed in the evolution of a species of fish in Southern Mexico.
Congress approves bill to give companies incentive for developing Zika drug
Stephen Hawking the latest to join in endeavor to explore the universe further than humans ever did before.
Warmer temperatures becoming a problem for cod population despite government efforts to reverse results.
Ice collapse in Antarctica may result to up to six feet of increase in water levels by 2100.
Pollen allergies increased due to climate change, as pollens are released during warmer weather.
The increase in tiger population seen as the first step to successful conservation efforts.