Climate change is continuing to heat things up. Now, scientists have taken a closer look at how seabirds are impacted by changing temperatures.
Scientists have learned a bit more about the climate of the Arctic Ocean during the Cretaceous period.
What happened the last time the Earth experienced an ice age? Scientists may have found out.
Scientists may have uncovered a key to preventing secondary cancers in breast cancer patients.
Scientists may have discovered some of the earliest stars from the formation of the universe.
Astrophysicists have created a new method for calculating the effect of Rayleigh scattering on photons, potentially allowing researchers to better understand the formation of the universe.
What happens if a robot is damaged in a dangerous area? It has to be able to adapt and now, scientists may have succeeded in creating a robot that does just that.
What causes some people to be so creative? Scientists have discovered a surprising link between creative problem-solving and heightened activity in the cerebellum.
Are yawns contagious? They are for humans, dogs and chimpanzees. Until now, though, researchers didn't realize that contagious yawning could also occur between member bird species.
Scientists have worked together to try to measure the global burden of cancer, and estimate there were 14.9 million new cases of cancer, 8.2 million deaths and 196.3 million years of a healthy life lost in 2013.
When did human first migrate out of Africa, and where did they go? Scientists have long wondered about the human route out of Africa and now, new genomic analyses may tell them exactly where ancient populations tread.
Ancient DNA may shed some light on how past environments impacted ancient human populations.