What do animals sound like when they migrate from the depths of the ocean to the surface?
People may be having a harder time telling the difference between what's real and what's virtual.
Exposure to air pollution may up your risk of obesity.
Scientists have created the world's first full-color, high-resolution and wireless flexible smartphone.
Dangerous fishing may be endangered by catch shares in the future.
Scientists have discovered and ice age blob of warm water sandwiched between two major ice sheets just south of Greenland.
Scientists may have finally made a link between genetics and aging. Researchers have shown that a hormone instrumental in the aging process is under genetic control.
Scientists may have discovered an ancient ocean on Pluto's moon, Charon.
A new study may shed light on how some people can get others to inflict pain on people.
Researchers may have uncovered the "ugliest fossil reptiles" to have ever roamed China.
Astronomers have caught their first ever glimpse of an exoplanet changing over time.
Humans had a larger impact on the past of Madagascar than you might think. Scientists have found that 5,000 years ago, humans set the region on fire.