Climate change at its worst in the Arctic region, in which the pristine white turns into blue.
Australia is suffering from an intense heatwave that caused the death of more than 100 gray-headed flying foxes.
Comet 45P will zoom past the planet Earth this weekend at the closest approach.
Hubble Space Telescope captured a barred spiral type galaxy known as NGC 7640 in the largest constellation in space.
Wild bison made a historical comeback to Canada's oldest national park after more than a century.
About 600 monkeys and dozens of humans were killed, caused by yellow fever virus in Brazil.
Scientists just discovered a white dwarf star with building blocks for life.
The invention of this new computer chip could lead to sending rovers on Venus, the hottest planet in the Solar System.
A mysterious orange alligator was spotted in a pond in South Carolina.
Physicists just discovered that a dissolved carbon dioxide could recharge a battery. Here's how.
A man just courageously swam near the lava zone at Big Island, Hawaii.
Astronomers found proof of the existence of an intermediate-mass black hole hiding at the center of the globular star cluster.