Two-headed sharks do exist and they are on the rise in the oceans now.
A gardener found the world's largest earthworm, "Dave," but he was killed.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft had observed again the drifting of methane clouds across Saturn's moon, Titan. Take a glimpse of it!
Archaeologists found a significant huge Bronze Age city in northern Iraq.
Mysterious giant snowballs that seem man-made yet very natural appeared on the coast of northwest Siberia.
Scientists discovered on how a zebrafish could repair its spinal cord following an injury.
A unique frog species dubbed as "flasher" frog because it flashes its bright orange groin to ward off predators was discovered in Australia.
Nobody knows what is that "pinging" sound coming from the seafloor on the Arctic and spooks the animals away. The Canadian military is trying to figure it out.
The four-legged snake turns out to be a four-legged marine lizard and not a snake,according to a new analysis.
St. Anne's Well, which was believed to be as a holy well before, and associated with a gruesome curse was discovered in England.
Rock shelter known as Warratyi shelter in Finders Ranges was used by early Australians as a dwelling.
Scientists discovered an ancient water believed to be the world's oldest water that is capable of supporting microbial life.