Researchers of a new study claims that although Queen Nefertari's mummy was ripped to pieces and tossed around by ancient robbers, they may have identified her legs.
Years before the symptoms emerge, abnormal protein deposits are already forming throughout the brain in people with Alzheimer's disease.
The new research has found that sleep actually consolidates bad memories, making people live with them for longer, backing up the old saying, "Never go to bed angry."
The study claims that lower levels of neonatal vitamin D may increase the risk of MS later in life.
Reports have said that NASA has discovered an Earth-like alien planet that is expected to harbor extraterrestrial life.
New study reveals that researchers are exploring a way to detect brain injury in NFL players.
The study suggests that a small glass of white wine a day could increase the risk of skin cancer by 13 percent.
Moderate intake of coffee may provide protection against age-related cognitive decline and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Scientists suggest that how people learn affects how much they remember in stressful situations.
Most experts say that the snow pyramids are proof that extraterrestrial beings exist.
Prevention of hypertension, obesity and diabetes may substantially prolong heart failure-free survival and reduce public health impact of heart failure.
A new study revealed that young people who watch pornography are more likely to sexually abuse another child or young person.