Researchers have proven that a tractor beam effect is possible using a specific kind of laser.
A recent study funded by NASA has revealed that meteorites from Mars aged as old as 4.2 billion years contain reduced carbon, an organic macromolecule. The study also confirmed that the carbon was non-biologically formed.
Researchers have found a way to take a patient's skin cells and transform them into stem cells that can be used to repair the patient's damaged heart.
A team of researchers has determined that decades-old fossils are actually the remains of the largest crocodile.
We are likely to experience a nuclear reactor accident once every 10-20 years, according to a study from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz.
The program, designed to hopefully make interstellar travel a reality, was awarded $500,000 from DARPA to kickstart its mission.
A study from the Barrow's Laboratory of Behavioral Neurophysiology deciphers the way the audience perceives a magic trick.
New research shows us that chimps and orangutans act more like us than we thought.
New neurons in your hypothalamus, which regulates hunger, might be the reason sometimes it's hard to lose weight.
Early Tuesday morning SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 rocket to carry the unmanned Dragon capsule to the International Space Station.
Developed by Leap Motion, the Leap is a simple, cheap USB device that creates a virtual, cubic work space around the device it's plugged into.
A study shows that the levels of stress in third generation rats increased if the first generation was exposed to the fungicide vinclozolin.