Bugs and other arthropods are believed to live in the wealthiest areas as opposed to the belief that poor neighborhoods would host more bugs.
A "Pokemon Go" like program was invented by researchers from MIT to allow virtual objects like Pokemons to interact with real-world environment.
Women who had undergone appendix and tonsil removals when they were young are found to have increased chances of being more fertile than others.
Life on Earth is believed to have popped up sooner than it should have when compared with what happens on a Universal scale.
Two new sets of Android patch have been issued to provide fixes for 22 bugs in the operating system as well as over 80 bugs in component drivers that mostly affect devices with Qualcomm components.
iOS 10 emoji has been updated recently to include variations of redesigned icons and a handful of emoji to better represent the smartphone-using population.
Anthophora squammulosa bees have been discovered by a team of researchers who climbed a volcano in Nicaragua.
The generic drug form of infliximab or Remicade is suggested to be as safe and effective as the branded.
Rio athletes were advised not to put their head underwater. It has been revealed that the water in Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic venues is a verifiable health hazard after a 16-month long study.
NASA has a new space plane, which will serve as a cargo delivery vehicle.
Mercedes recently released an advertisement for its new 2017 E-Class, but was immediately pulled out.
The Zika infection rate is reportedly rising in Puerto Rico.