Researchers have created a new development that will significantly improve energy-saving devices for the next generation.
In a recent study, researchers created a biomarker which can reveal whether an otherwise healthy person is unusually likely to die of pneumonia or sepsis within the next 14 years.
Researchers have created a miniaturized blood monitoring device, which will allow medical staff to monitor blood levels in real time in the ICU.
Researchers are shining more light on solar panels. By using their new technique, solar panels can increase the output by more than 30 percent.
Scientists have recently developed a new root canal therapy using nanodiamonds, which proved to be more robust and effective than common contemporary methods.
A team of of South Korean researchers recently created a virtual K-pop dance teacher by tracking 3D body joints.
A team of international astronomers have discovered 250 galaxies using NASA/ESA's Hubble Space Telescope.
Researchers have found new information about immune responses that could aid in protection against HIV infection, which could lead to a developing a potential HIV vaccine.
Researchers found that sunscreen is killing coral reefs around the world, with the chemicals in sunscreen causing coral bleaching, which results in coral mortality.
Scientists at James Cook University discovered that cancer-causing parasite may accelerate wound healing in persons with severe diabetes, for instance.
In a recent study, scientists found that the orange pigment in lichens could be a potential source for anticancer drugs.
Astronomers from the University of Maryland came across a black hole shredding a star to pieces, this is one of the closest tidal disruptions in over a decade. The researchers are investigating the components behind this tidal disruption.