A series of meteor shower will be witnessed this October as the Earth passes through Halley's Comet.
Just recently, two blue stars were seen emerging from a dark nebula.
A new theoretical study suggests that the planets' alignment may be influencing the sun's cycle. The alignment may be responsible for creating resonance in one of sun's magnetic field, alpha effect.
See two tiny moons of Saturn literally peeping through the planet's rings.
China is conceptualizing the world's biggest spaceplane that could blast off to space carrying about 20 passengers.
You should think about signing up to go to Mars: Leonardo diCaprio will be there.
NASA is working on in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) to facilitate space travel.
KIC 8462852, the most mysterious star known for its unexplained dimming is continually becoming more perplexing that puzzles the astronomers and scientists.
Dione, Saurn's third moon, could be a home for microbial life as it has an ocean hidden underneath its surface.
International Space Station Live Feed cut off again after a mysterious object is seen making its way into the screen, see the video here.
Could humans possibly procreate in space or will sex be an issue?
U.N. will launch its first space mission and allows other countries to participate.