Scientists run the largest-ever simulation of Milky Way-like galaxy to uncover its history.
The space agencies of U.S. and India are collaborating to make the NISAR Earth-monitoring satellite.
Trump cuts five NASA Earth Science missions for 2018.
What you need to know when buying solar eclipse glasses for the Great American Total Solar Eclipse.
NASA has a proposed $19.1 billion budget for the year 2018.
NASA's Mars rover Opportunity has reached the Perseverance Valley on May 4, 2017.
Scientists found a new object with extraordinary brightness near a supermassive black hole in the core of Cygnus A galaxy.
A type of bacteria found only on the space station has been named after APJ Abdul Kalam.
The ASKAP telescope has detected a fast radio burst within four days of being switched on.
The Earth may not always have had the spherical shape that it has now.
Two spacewalking astronauts have successfully made urgent repairs at the ISS.
The Kepler telescope is gathering data of the dwarf star’s outermost planet, TRAPPIST-1h.