The flyover of Juno over Jupiter's Great Spot will examine how the giant storm works and reveals what makes it special.
The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will be aborted as it launches Intelsat 35e into space this Sunday.
Data from the K2 mission has helped a research team discover a new hot Jupiter.
Solar minimum event could impact communications here on Earth.
Are there extra dimensions hidden on "ripples" in the fabric of space and time?
NASA has reached another milestone by incorporating a quiet supersonic flight to its newly proposed X-plane.
A robot with gecko-like grip may be the answer to space cleanup.
NASA is not going to make any announcements about aliens like many people started to believe after a video went viral.
Researchers manning the Opportunity mission on Mars think that the Endeavour Crater once had a liquid water lake.
Experts have released the most detailed image of Betelgeuse, making it the next most intricately photographed star aside from the Sun.
Uranus’ magnetic field behaves quite like a light switch, scientists have discovered.
An AI program is now looking into hypervelocity stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.