The "active galactic nuclei" (AGN) faded due to the starvation of black hole that causes the decline in the brightness of the galaxy.
Stars devoured by black holes is a cosmic phenomenon and the astronomers found new ways to fully understand their destruction.
Experts believe that there is a chance the universe is filled with microscopic black holes that formed ages ago.
Scientists have recently discovered that material wobbles around the black hole.
Astronomers recently realized a case of mistaken identity, where a black hole was mistaken for a galaxy for nearly two decades.
Dark matter could be made of primordial black holes as per a recent study.
An intergalactic gas cloud was seen raining in on a supermassive black hole at the core of a giant galaxy that is one billion light years away from the Earth.
Noted physicist Stephen Hawking has revealed there is a way to exit a black hole.
A new study suggests that black holes are two dimesional.
Astronomers, with the help of space telescopes revealed that collapsing clouds gave birth to monster black holes.
We may be a step closer to understanding the birth of supermassive black holes.
Experts measured the black hole at about 660 million times as massive as our sun, and a cloud of gas circles it at about 1.1 million mph.