"The Uninhabitable Earth" scenario is "misleading" and "incredibly bleak," according to experts.
Noted physicist Stephen Hawking has said that Earth is on the path to becoming a hothouse planet like Venus.
India has broken its own world record by planting 66 million trees in half a day.
Stephen Hawking said that the planet Earth could be like Venus with 250 degrees temperature and could be raining sulfuric acid.
The warming of the planet in just half a degree Celsius could boost severe weather conditions.
Climate change could lead to up to a 25 percent increase in permanent ice-free areas in Antarctica by the end of the century.
Experts have warned that the world would be hurled into a path of climate disaster after 2020 if greenhouse emissions are not contained.
This first "Forest City" will fight air pollution and climate change.
Global sea level rise may be caused by melting glaciers in Greenland.
It may not be too late for corals to recover from bleaching events, but Guam may have worse conditions.
How climate change affects the coffee plantations in Ethiopia?
Decomposing leaves in your backyard are contributing to climate change.