The United Kingdom parliament has approved the controversial procedure called "three-parent" in vitro fertilization.
Scientists found that air pollution has traces of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that may cause health problems among people living in polluted cities.
A study show that e-cigars damage your healthy mouth cells.
A new study found that the human ability to adapt and survive are results of interbreeding with Neanderthals.
The risk of heart disease found in genes can be reversible through lifestyle.
Scientists discovered the origins of European bison, which have been a long mystery, through ancient DNA record and cave art.
Vitamins A and C can enhance success in the challenging process of converting adult cells into stem cells.
Researchers said that the dysregulation of the DNA can act as a precursor to various diseases, including cancer, but at the same time, the youthful DNA may prevent the disease.
A study reveals that many people who had epigenetic changes that occur during the turning on or off the genes had experienced a heart attack.
The controversial "gene-editing" is being attempted by a Swedish scientist that makes him the first researcher to edit the DNA of the healthy human embryos.
The new study revealed that your DNA has something to do with your weight, but the effect may not be as powerful as you thought.
Tardigrade, the earth's hardest animal, can survive radiation, dehydration, freezing and extreme condition.