NASA's Dawn spacecraft captured thousands of images since its orbit including this brightest area in the dwarf planet, Ceres.
Saturn's beauty may have come from carcasses of dead dwarf planets like Pluto, scientists find.
The solar system adds another new dwarf planet besides Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea and Eris.
So, what's inside the dwarf planet Ceres? Know what it is like here.
What might be the caused by the disappearance of the large craters on the dwarf planet Ceres?
New Horizons scientists created a video to show what it feels like diving onto an icy Pluto. Get a glimpse of it here!
2015 RR245 is a dwarf planet -- but what makes dwarf planets different from asteroids?
A new dwarf planet discovered near Neptune, only about half the size of Great Britain.
The scientist discovered permanently shadowed areas on Ceres that are capable of collecting surface ice.
An unnamed celestial body is the third largest known dwarf planet.
According to a new study, Pluto could actually be a hybrid.
Colorful animation shows a flight over dwarf planet Ceres, where surface materials are shown in shades of blue.