Gray seal numbers are clearly increasing, according to scientists.
Yellow-eyed penguins could be extinct in 25 years, despite NZ efforts to market species for tourism.
Sudan stands 6 feet tall and is one of a kind, says his Tinder profile.
Scientists worry about the number of newborn right whale calves this year.
Good news for manatees: they are no longer endangered, but government should not be complacent, as they are still threatened.
New primates named after Star Wars character Luke Skywalker discovered. But sadly, it is already endangered.
Three tons of pangolin scales representing 7,500 individuals seized in China.
Cheetah numbers have declined in the last century, leading scientists to put it on the "endangered species" list.
Everyone, meet Ziggy Stardust the snake!
Nearly 163 endangered species in the Great Mekong Region of Southeast Asia have been discovered by conservationists.
Shark and stingray species are now on varying degrees of being endangered.
Hammerhead shark was found dead and the killer claimed that he is just giving it a CPR.