A survivor described the giant forest fire in Portugal as hell and end of the world.
Lightning killed 22 people in Bangladesh in the last 48 hours.
Southern England had been hit by a horrifying lightning storm
The new Geostationary Lightning Mapper gathered lightning data from space that could aid weather forecasters to issue accurate weather warnings.
The volcano eruption has taken place on the southern island of Kyushu that created plumes of suffocating ash and caused a volcanic lightning storm.
The iconic Empire State Building received a harsh strike again from a lightning. Get a glimpse of it here.
Have you seen a lightning at its slow motion? Be amazed at its electrifying beauty!
Imagine shooting lightning out of the sky with the help of lasers. That's exactly what researchers are aiming for. They've created new techniques that bring lasers as lightning rods closer to reality.
We may just be able to control lightning. Scientists have discovered a way to guide electric discharges and even steer them around obstacles by using lasers.
New findings published in Science Advances discuss a way to guide electric discharges and even possibly steer them around obstacles through the use of lasers.
How is lightning created? That's a difficult question and now, scientists have used studies on exploding stars to help unlock the answer.
The sun may actually be influencing lightning strikes on Earth. How? The sun is temporarily "bending" Earth's magnetic field and allowing a shower of energetic particles to enter the upper atmosphere.