Fennel could help in reducing the postmenopausal symptoms without serious side effects.
The “grandmother hypothesis” may be the reason behind menopause in killer whales.
In a recent study, it was revealed that menopausal hormone therapy can improve bone mass and structure.
Researchers revealed that women who have their last baby after 35 are mentally sharper in old age.
A new study identified the link between hot flashes and genes.
Hot flashes or night sweats, which are symptoms of menopause could be reduced through acupuncture treatment, according to a study.
A study showed that women who had premature menopause had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and early death,
Young menopausal women at risk of Alzheimer's can benefit from early estrogen therapy.
Women under 50 who smoke or who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at an increased risk of early menopause and infertility, according to a recent study.
Forty-seven-year-old Judy Brown didn't know she was pregnant until one hour before she gave birth at Beverly Hospital in Beverly, Massachusetts on Wednesday.
New findings published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reveals that women in the early phases of menopause are more likely to have difficulties with sleep due to certain fluctuations in their menstrual cycle.
New findings published in the journal Menopause show that cultural differences could ultimately influence when women will start this change in their life.