Yang Liwei, first Chinese astronaut, hears a knock from outer space. Is it from aliens trying to communicate?
NASA's project will reboot under Donald Trump's administration.
A UFO image on Mars seems to have raised questions about the possible existence of life on Mars. Or, is this a figment of imagination?
NASA is set to partner with Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) yet again for another project using SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket.
Sonia Van Meter believes that sky is no limit for her ambitions. She has sights beyond and it is Mars on her mind.
Scientists still have high hopes with Donald Trump's administration in fighting climate change.
With decades-long improvements of space exploration technology, it seems that one of the basic needs of astronauts has long been a problem -- human waste.
NASA scientists speculated on the newly discovered fragments of methane and hydrogen in Martian atmosphere.
A newly designed NASA's tool named Scout helps detect dangerous asteroids before they hit the Earth.
Advanced Plant Habitat could house large plants in space and be used by astronauts for future missions to Mars.
President-elect Donald Trump wants to eliminate NASA’s climate research and shift focus to space exploration.
Global Mean Surface Temperatures displayed a temporary slowdown of warming from 1998 to 2013 relative to that from 1950 to 1999.