Researchers found that children are most likely to absorb artificial sweeteners.
Next time, be careful while discriminating obese people as it can increase their health risks.
People are still choosing fast-food despite the calorie labels.
Experts found a way to produce more resistant starch in rice. The slow-digesting rice has numerous health benefits that include aid in decreasing rates of diabetes and obesity.
Obesity cure has been studied by experts. Appetite control cells have been identified.
Researchers claim that being obese and having type-2 diabetes may raise your risk for liver cancer.
Researchers found that the stress experienced by partners, and not the individual's stress, was associated with increased waist circumference.
To separate studies showed that having too much junk food in our diet can affect part of your brain responsible for memory and increase the T cells which if too elevated could attack your own immune system.
Researchers found that kids who lack sleep can fall to obesity.
The World Health Organization calls for higher taxes on sugary drinks to lessen obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other illness.
The predicted obesity rate in 2050 indicates that childhood obesity will affect millions of kids worldwide.
Research shows that fatty food cravings link to a particular gene mutation.