This virus overreacts to gluten, which commonly found in wheat and grains, and triggers the celiac disease.
The HB 39- Sexual Offenses and Statutory Nonconsent Amendments bill was put on hold.
The officials reported the first case ever of the spreading of bird flu from an infected cat to a human in New York City.
DNA vaccines could provide long-lasting protection against Zika virus and other contagious diseases.
The new recommendation came after a new research showed that migratory birds can help to spread deadly strains of avian flu around the world.
A newly discovered virus called WO virus comes from the venom of a black widow spider.
To protect yourself from the virus of flu, it is advisable that you get a flu shot soon, which is different from the past year.
Researchers confirmed a new species of vector for Zika, Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito species.
Researchers found that the Ebola virus can remain in men's testicles longer than they originally thought.
The World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control and Prevention have released four easy protection for people to arm themselves from Zika virus.
Scientists are looking for test subjects to proceed with the Zika virus vaccine development.
A new study has revealed that viruses are 10 times more dangerous in the morning compared to any other time of the day.