Nature & Environment
Zika Virus: OFF! Clip-On Device Protects Against Mosquitoes That Carry Disease
Rosanna Singh
First Posted: Feb 03, 2016 10:33 AM EST
First Posted: Feb 03, 2016 10:33 AM EST
A clip-on device known as the OFF! Clip-On repellent device can offer protection against mosquitoes that carry and transmit the Zika virus. Researchers from the Mosquito Control District in Florida found that OFF! Clip-On is an effective device that can be used to prevent bites from 'Aedes aegypti' mosquitoes, which are the primary vector of the Zika virus, dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever, according to a new study.
"In vector control, we see more often than not that tools available for consumers don't work for the intended purpose," Christopher Bibbs, coauthor of the study, said in a news release. "Just look at all the bug zappers, repellent bracelets, sonic bug repellents, and other zany creations that wax and wane in popularity. Skepticism is inherent to the trade. But it was nice for a change of pace that one of these devices could actually do some good."
The OFF! Clip-On device repels mosquitoes by releasing insecticide in the form of a vapor, which operated by a battery-powered fan. This vapor then forms an insecticide "cloud" around the individual that is wearing the device.
The researchers tested the device's effectiveness against 'Aedes aegypti' mosquitoes in the outdoors in order to replicate real-world conditions. The researchers found that the OFF! Clip-On device caused high mosquito mortality rates and knockdown rates were 0.3 meters away from the device, which is sufficient to protect an individual who is wearing the device.
The findings of this study were published in the Journal of Medical Entomology.
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