Health & Medicine
4 Easy Steps To Prevent Zika Infection
Pauline Angela Quiambao
First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 06:41 AM EDT
First Posted: Aug 30, 2016 06:41 AM EDT
Zika cases have now been confirmed in the United States, so people should be more away of how they can protection themselves from the virus.
There is still no vaccination or drug that can cure or make a person immune to Zika. The increasing concerns are continuously growing with more cases reported every time. In Florida alone, there are five independent cases of Zika virus last week. Medical officials are prescribing several steps to fight exposure to infected mosquitoes, similar to that reported by Fox News. And here are some best home defenses that can be made:
Officials recommend layers and layers of combined defense to fight off infected mosquitoes from transmitting the virus. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the WHO wants people to always arm themselves with layers of clothing, mosquito nets especially in infested areas, mosquito repellents, and invisible shields.
Use Military Grade Repellent
The best way to fight of Zika is to kill the mosquito carrying the virus even before it bites. And the solution to that is to use insect repellent. It was three decades ago when the military worked with scientists to develop Ultrathon Lotion that militaries use anywhere they go in defense to insects and mosquitoes. The lotion is commercially available for $10.50 with a layer that can protect the skin for about 12 hours.
Invisible Shield
Mosquitoes should not keep you locked inside. Instead, use Thermacell products developed to mimic a colorful flower, like chrysanthemum and repel mosquitoes especially those carrying Zika virus. The product is safe for children and pets.
Wear No Fly Zone Clothes
A clothing line called No Fly Zone is now in demand for offering complete skin covering to prevent the mosquito from getting in contact with the skin. It was made by LL Bean's tech and even offers sun protection for up to UFP 50+. It also contains permethrin, which may still require the use of repellent for added protection.
Sneak-Proof Nets
Mosquitoes also like to attack while people sleep so it is advisable to use insecticide-treated nets than the conventional nets bought in the market. The WHO approves the Olyset net technology that incorporates permethrin into each fiber of the net and may last for several years before it wears off.
It is better to be always armed and prepared even before the mosquito starts infecting an area near you. Prevention is better than cure as they say it, so try to avoid Zika is the best possible protection that can be done.
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