Nature & Environment
Climate Change: Breakthrough In Converting Carbon Emission To Baking Soda To Fight Global Warming Is In
Alex Davis
First Posted: Jan 05, 2017 04:25 AM EST
First Posted: Jan 05, 2017 04:25 AM EST
Indian chemists took part in the battle for climate change. The Indian company processes the captured carbon dioxide emission into chemicals such as baking powder.
The captured carbon dioxide from a coal-powered boiler is being turned into a chemical such as baking powder. In the city of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu, India, it is where the chemical process took place. The Carbon Clean Solutions, which is an Indian firm, also aids the company. The chemists have claimed that 60,000 tons of CO2 emission have been saved a year.
The owner of the plant, Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals, Ramachadran Gopalan, told BBC News that, "I am a businessman. I never thought about saving the planet. I needed a reliable stream of CO2, and this was the best way of getting it."
Two young Indian chemists led the Carbon Clean project. They used the salt technique to bond with the CO2 molecules in the boiler chimney from flue gases. The process of carbon capture alters from the others. As it uses a new chemical to strip CO2, it is more efficient than other chemicals. The chemists said that more than 90 percent of the CO2 is captured.
The Guardian reported that the production of soda ash has a variety of uses. These include sweeteners, detergents, glass manufactures and paper products. The plant is supposed to run zero emission by now since the project has utilized the technique.
On its website, the Carbon Clean has estimated that the captured carbon could reduce approximately 20 percent of the total greenhouse emissions. This emission has been contributing to climate change. The reduction could run within the next four decades.
The chemists shared that, "Major carbon dioxide emitters like power plants and manufacturing facilities, in the future, may be asked to install carbon capture technologies or pay the carbon tax. Carbon Clean Solutions is innovating and working with customers to develop technologies that will cost effectively reduce the CO2 emissions from such large point sources," according to IFL Science.
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