Researchers at Kansas State University have found that time -based training may decrease impulsivity in some individuals. The study authors noted that this research could be essential in developing behavioral approaches to treat disorders like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), substan...
Facebook can be a fun way to keep in touch with friends. Yet it may also increase your risk of depression.
A recent survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in August 2014 found that close to 72 percent of Americans said they felt stressed out about money within the past month, while 22 percent said they experienced "extreme stress" within the past 30 days.
Fewer American's are smoking, but we're not all in the clear just yet. New research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that close to 58 million nonsmokers are still being exposed to secondhand smoke.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new breast cancer drug to help treat postmenopausal women with a certain type of advanced breast cancer that did not respond to previous treatments.
New research shows that lung cancer is also a top killer among women in developed countries.
Fish fraud may not seem like a big deal, but it's becoming huge business. In fact, it's estimated that up to 30 percent of the seafood entering the U.S. is fraudulently mislabeled and now, researchers have found a way to sniff out fraudulent species claims.
Scientists have taken a closer look at the evolution and formation of hundreds of nearby galaxies. Now, they're unveiling new scientific images of these galaxies that reveal their internal structure and interaction among one another.
Have you ever heard of silicene? It could mean a whole new era for computer electronics. The world's thinnest silicone material holes the promise of developing dramatically faster, smaller and more efficient computer chips.
Scientists have successfully cryogenically frozen germplasm from hemlock trees that are being wiped out across the eastern U.S. by an invasive insect, and believe that cloning trees that are fighting off the pest could save the species as a whole.
The VISTA telescope is taking some spectacular images of the central regions of our Milky Way as it maps the galaxy. Known as the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey, this effort should give astronomers a new glimpse of our galaxy as a whole.
Scientists may have uncovered a new mechanism of inheritance. They've found that genes can be switched off, or silenced, in response to the environment or other factors, and sometimes these changes can be passed from one generation to the next.