
Apr 03, 2017 03:36 AM EDT

SpaceX To Launch 'Silliest' Thing On Falcon Heavy

SpaceX already launched a wheel of cheese in space. What other "silly" things could Elon Musk send up on a rocket?

NASA: Ancient Mars Atmosphere Lost To Space
Apr 03, 2017 03:30 AM EDT

Martian Atmosphere Lost To Space, A New Study Reveals

Why could Mars not have sustained life, unlike the planet Earth, in which they had almost the same atmospheric pressure of air in the past?

Art Of Coffee
Apr 03, 2017 03:25 AM EDT

Most Caffeinated Coffee In The World Causes Palpitations

Beware of Black Insomnia: It could give coffee drinkers heart palpitations.

Psyche And Spacecraft
Apr 03, 2017 03:12 AM EDT

NASA, ASU To Send An Orbiter To A Massive, Unusual Metallic Asteroid, 'Psyche'

Scientists want to investigate the unusual metallic asteroid, which is about 200 kilometers in diameter.

5 Best Health Benefits of Peanuts
Apr 01, 2017 03:31 AM EDT

Consuming Peanuts With A Meal Could Protect Against Cardiovascular Diseases

Eating peanuts with a meal could lower the level of triglycerides and inhibit heart attack and stroke.

SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch
Apr 01, 2017 03:22 AM EDT

SpaceX Achieves A Significant Milestone In Space Travel After Relaunching A Reused Rocket

This was a historic moment in spaceflight and for SpaceX after relaunching a reused Falcon 9 rocket for the first time.

Apr 01, 2017 03:13 AM EDT

April Fools’ Day Comet To Zoom By Earth Today, No Kidding!

Are you ready for April Fools' Day Comet today?

Apr 01, 2017 03:10 AM EDT

Nappiness: Short Naps During Afternoon Are The Key To Happiness

Taking a short nap in the afternoon can make a person happier.

Apr 01, 2017 03:07 AM EDT

Laziness Can Be Blamed On Others; It Is Contagious!

Now you can conveniently blame others for your laziness, at least that is what a study suggests.

Nintendo Switch Sales Numbers
Mar 31, 2017 05:44 AM EDT

Nintendo Switch Sales Numbers: Console Hits 500,000-Unit Milestone In Japan In Merely Four Weeks

Nintendo Switch has sold more than 500,000 units in Japan as of March 26, 2017.

Scientist Begin Retrieving Data From Galileo After Close Call With Jupiter
Mar 31, 2017 04:38 AM EDT

Latest Jupiter Flyby Shows Surreal Mysteries On Giant Planet

Jupiter is among the most mysterious things in the Solar System, and scientists are still studying its mysteries.

Wildlife Reserves Singapore
Mar 31, 2017 04:27 AM EDT

Manatees No Longer Endangered But Still Threatened

Good news for manatees: they are no longer endangered, but government should not be complacent, as they are still threatened.

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