
Jan 05, 2012 12:28 PM EST

Carbon Capture and Storage -- New Research from UKERC Shows Tough Road Ahead to Realize Potential

Government plans to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies to reduce carbon emissions received a cautious welcome today. A new report concluded that most of the uncertainties facing these technologies can - in principle - be resolved.

Jan 05, 2012 12:11 PM EST

Skeletons Found at Mass Burial Site in Oxford Could be '10th-century Viking Raiders'

Thirty-seven skeletons found in a mass burial site in the grounds of St John's College may not be who they initially seemed, according to Oxford researchers studying the remains.

UK woamn
Jan 05, 2012 12:01 PM EST

Educated Women Have a Longer Working Week but Do Less Housework than in the 1970s

The time diaries of working age men and women in the UK reveal that women who went to college or university spent more time doing paid work and did less housework in the 2000s compared with similarly educated women in the 1970s. The study also shows that there has been a sharp drop in the amount of ...

Jan 05, 2012 11:50 AM EST

Raising the Prospects for Quantum Levitation

More than half-a-century ago, the Dutch theoretical physicist Hendrik Casimir calculated that two mirrors placed facing each other in a vacuum would attract. The mysterious force arises from the energy of virtual particles flitting into and out of existence, as described by quantum theory.

Jan 05, 2012 11:44 AM EST

Scientists Find Achilles' Heel in Life-threatening Malaria Parasites

Scientists have identified a link between different strains of malaria parasites that cause severe disease, which could help develop vaccines or drugs against life-threatening cases of the infection.

Jan 05, 2012 11:29 AM EST

Study Finds that Mild Winters are Detrimental to Butterflies

The recent mild winter throughout much of the United States was a cause for celebration for many. However, butterfly aficionados shouldn't be joining in the celebration.

NASA Image of System 99P
Jan 05, 2012 11:15 AM EST

NASA Sees Slow-developing System 99P Dogging Northern Australia

NASA satellites have been monitoring the slow-to-develop low pressure area called System 99P for four days as it lingers in the Arafura Sea, north Australia's Northern Territory. Satellite data indicates that System 99P is likely to continue struggling because of weak organization and nearby dry air...

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