
Feb 01, 2012 11:18 AM EST

Multidisciplinary Marine Network EuroMarine General Assembly in Bremen

More than 100 international scientists of the EU multidisciplinary marine network EuroMarine met on 17 January for three days in Bremen. The aim of the conference was to integrate the three networks of excellence EUR-OCEANS, MarBEF and Marine Genomics Europe in order to optimize the marine science i...

Fred Levine, M.D., Ph.D
Feb 01, 2012 11:11 AM EST

How Antipsychotic Medications Cause Metabolic Side Effects Such as Obesity and Diabetes

Sanford-Burnham study suggests that many antipsychotics affect metabolism because they activate the TGFbeta pathway -- a finding that could lead to safer therapeutics for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia patients

New Mysterious ManMade Gases  Depleting Ozone Layer
Feb 01, 2012 10:07 AM EST

Natural Halogenated Molecules found in West Pacific, Ozone Killers

Coastal waters of the tropical Western Pacific produce natural halogenated organic molecules involving chlorine, bromine and iodine atoms that may damage the stratospheric ozone layer. This is the conclusion drawn from the initial findings of a field measurement campaign conducted in the South China...

Liquid Laser
Feb 01, 2012 12:24 AM EST

Genes Linked to Cancer Could be Easier to Detect with Liquid Lasers

Genes linked to cancer could be easier to detect with liquid lasers

Oxygen molecule survives to enormously high pressures: RUB publication in Physical Review Letters
Feb 01, 2012 12:18 AM EST

Oxygen Molecule Survives to Enormously High Pressures

Using computer simulations, a RUB researcher has shown that the oxygen molecule (O2) is stable up to pressures of 1.9 terapascal, which is about nineteen million times higher than atmosphere pressure. Above that, it polymerizes, i.e. builds larger molecules or structures.

Home Births Reduce Maternal Complications in Low Risk Women
Feb 01, 2012 12:13 AM EST

Risks of Pregnancy Via Egg Donation Similar for Women Over Age 50 as for Younger Women

Although women over age 50 who become pregnant via egg donation are at an elevated risk for developing obstetrical complications, their complication rates are similar to those of younger recipients, according to a study by Columbia University Medical Center researchers to be published in the Februar...

The Arctic Suffers a Dangerous Climate Change
Jan 31, 2012 11:55 PM EST

The Arctic is already suffering the effects of a dangerous climate change

These researchers assert that the Arctic is already suffering some of the effects that, according to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), correspond with a "dangerous climate change".

Laurence McCahill, Michigan State University
Jan 31, 2012 11:50 PM EST

Rate of Follow-up Surgeries After Partial Mastectomy Varies Greatly

A new study reveals substantial differences - by both surgeon and institution - in the rates of follow-up surgeries for women who underwent a partial mastectomy for treatment of breast cancer.

Dr. Peter Swart, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science
Jan 31, 2012 11:46 PM EST

What really happened prior to 'Snowball Earth'?

In a study published in the journal Geology, scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science suggest that the large changes in the carbon isotopic composition of carbonates which occurred prior to the major climatic event more than 500 million years ago...

Protein study gives fresh impetus in fight against superbugs
Jan 31, 2012 11:41 PM EST

Protein Study Gives Fresh Impetus in Fight Against Superbugs

After prolonged treatment with antibiotics, bacteria may evolve to become resistant to many drugs, as is the case with superbugs such as MRSA.

UN's Warsaw Climate Talks Abandoned by Major Green Groups due to low progress
Jan 31, 2012 11:33 PM EST

Warming in the Tasman Sea a Global Warming Hot Spot

Oceanographers have identified a series of ocean hotspots around the world generated by strengthening wind systems that have driven oceanic currents, including the East Australian Current, polewards beyond their known boundaries.

The Skies Above Europe
Jan 31, 2012 11:27 PM EST

Study: Vast majority of EU citizens are marginalized by dominance of English language

Non-English speakers stymied by language barriers that reduce access to political, legal, business, community arenas; Methodology applies to United States, as well as to other kinds of diversity, whether multiple languages or nature's biodiversity.

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