
Feb 17, 2017 03:11 AM EST

Wooly Mammoth Makes A Comeback?

Scientists may be bringing wooly mammoths back from the dead.

30th Anniversary Of Apollo 11 Moon Mission
Feb 17, 2017 03:10 AM EST

NASA Considers Lunar Mission As A Stepping Stone For Mars Mission

NASA is planning a comeback to the Moon after 44 years, which could be a major stepping stone for Mars mission.

The Last Reef - Documentary
Feb 17, 2017 03:04 AM EST

Coral Reefs: Shallow Reefs Have A Holding Hope On Surviving Coral Bleaching; Connection Is Being Investigated

Researchers said that there is no reason to stop fighting climate change.

Feb 17, 2017 03:00 AM EST

Sand Dune Compositions On Mars Indicate A Watery History

Researchers have recently identified an area on Mars that points to its watery history.

Sugar Tax On Sugary Foods, Beverages
Feb 16, 2017 05:03 AM EST

Tax That Can Save Lives: Sugar Tax Gets Support From Scientists

Will you pay to be unhealthy? Obviously, no.

China All Set To Make Its Mark In Space In 2017
Feb 16, 2017 04:57 AM EST

China All Set To Make Its Mark In Space; China Manned Space Agency Announced Its Plans For 2017

China to launch 30 space launch missions and much more this very year.

Mexico: The land Of The Dinosaurs, Say Paleontologists
Feb 16, 2017 03:49 AM EST

Mexico: The land Of The Dinosaurs, Paleontologists Say

Paleontologists have unearthed yet another intact remains of a previously unknown species of dinosaur.

Snow Shoveling And Heart Attack Risk In Men
Feb 16, 2017 03:41 AM EST

Is Snow Shoveling And Heart Attack Risk In Men: The Only Reason Behind The Increasing Number Of Deaths In Winter?

The conclusion is based on the fact that women are less likely to shovel snow.

When Parents Struggle To Feed Their Children, Teens Go Hungry More Often
Feb 16, 2017 03:34 AM EST

Teenage Boys Are More Likely To Go Hungry Next To Their Parents In Low-Income Families (Video)

Teens are next to sacrifice after their parents. Food is given to their younger siblings.

Refreezing The Melting Arctic Ice Sheet
Feb 16, 2017 03:30 AM EST

Scientists Propose To Freeze Arctic With New Technology

Why lessen CO2 emissions when more ice can be made in the Arctic instead?

Comet 73P
Feb 16, 2017 03:23 AM EST

Comet Breaks Apart As It Passes By Earth

Comet breaks apart as it passes Earth, and it may not survive enough for us to see another periodic sighting.

Winston Churchill
Feb 16, 2017 03:01 AM EST

Revealed: Winston Churchill’s View On Aliens

Winston Churchill: war hero, politician and believer of aliens.

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