
Six Fingers Per Hand (IMAGE)
Jun 03, 2019 08:15 PM EDT

Six Fingers Per Hand

Polydactyly is the extraordinary condition of someone being born with more than five fingers or toes. In a case study published in Nature Communications, researchers from the University of Freiburg, Imperial College London, the University Hospital of Lausanne, and EPFL have for the first time examin...

Habitat Loss (IMAGE)
Jun 01, 2019 05:20 PM EDT

New Research Shows How Habitat Loss can Destabilise Ecosystems

An international study has revealed new evidence to help understand the consequences of habitat loss on natural communities.

Heating Array (IMAGE)
Jun 01, 2019 05:16 PM EDT

Native Plant Species May be at Greater Risk From Climate Change than Non-Natives

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- As spring advances across the Midwest, a new study looking at blooming flowers suggests that non-native plants might outlast native plants in the region due to climate change.

PPPL Physicist Lan Gao (IMAGE)
Jun 01, 2019 05:11 PM EDT

Physicists Create Stable, Strongly Magnetized Plasma Jet in Laboratory

When you peer into the night sky, much of what you see is plasma, a soupy amalgam of ultra-hot atomic particles. Studying plasma in the stars and various forms in outer space requires a telescope, but scientists can recreate it in the laboratory to examine it more closely.

NICER X-ray Sky Map (Unlabeled) (IMAGE)
May 31, 2019 10:17 AM EDT

NICER's Night Moves Trace the X-ray Sky

In this image, numerous sweeping arcs seem to congregate at various bright regions. You may wonder: What is being shown? Air traffic routes? Is information moving around the global internet? Are magnetic fields looping across active areas on the Sun?

Photos from the Expeditions Are from the Private Collection of Victor Bulgakov (1 of 3) (IMAGE)
May 31, 2019 10:05 AM EDT

Scientists Demonstrate Plant Stress Memory and Adaptation Capabilities

Russian and Taiwanese scientists have discovered a connection between the two signaling systems that help plants survive stress situations, demonstrating that they can remember dangerous conditions that they have experienced and adapt to them. This memory mechanism will help improve agricultural pla...

Visualizing the Protein Binding (IMAGE)
May 31, 2019 09:53 AM EDT

A New Mechanism for Accessing Damaged DNA

UV light damages the DNA of skin cells, which can lead to skin cancer. But this process is counteracted by the DNA repair machinery, acting as a molecular sunscreen. It has been unclear, however, how repair proteins work on DNA tightly packed in chromatin, where access to DNA damage is restricted by...

Songbird Nest
May 29, 2019 01:25 PM EDT

Some Songbird Nests are Especially Vulnerable to Magpie Predation

A new study has revealed a range of factors that cause a variation in predation by magpies on farmland songbirds.

Computer-Assisted Diagnostic Procedure Enables Earlier Detection of Brain Tumor Growth (IMAGE)
May 29, 2019 01:20 PM EDT

Computer-assisted Diagnostic Procedure Enables Earlier Detection of Brain Tumor Growth

A computer-assisted diagnostic procedure helps physicians detect the growth of low-grade brain tumors earlier and at smaller volumes than visual comparison alone, according to a study published May 28 in the open-access journal PLOS Medicine by Hassan Fathallah-Shaykh of the University of Alabama at...

Exoplanet NGTS-4b -- Also Known as 'The Forbidden Planet' (IMAGE)
May 29, 2019 01:07 PM EDT

The 'Forbidden' Planet has Been Found in the 'Neptunian Desert'

An exoplanet smaller than Neptune with its own atmosphere has been discovered in the Neptunian Desert, by an international collaboration of astronomers, with the University of Warwick taking a leading role.

70+ Million Seeds (IMAGE)
May 28, 2019 01:38 PM EDT

New Mutations for Herbicide Resistance Rarer than Expected, Study Finds

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- After exposing more than 70 million grain amaranth seeds to a soil-based herbicide, researchers were not able to find a single herbicide-resistant mutant. Though preliminary, the findings suggest that the mutation rate in amaranth is very low and that low-level herbicide applicati...

New Genetic Engineering Strategy Makes Human-Made Dna Invisible (IMAGE)
May 28, 2019 01:32 PM EDT

New Genetic Engineering Strategy Makes Human-made DNA Invisible

Bacteria are everywhere. They live in the soil and water, on our skin and in our bodies. Some are pathogenic, meaning they cause disease or infection. To design effective treatments against pathogens, researchers need to know which specific genes are to blame for pathogenicity.

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