
Tiger Mauls Man To Death
Feb 02, 2017 05:17 AM EST

Horrific Video Shows Man Mauled By A Tiger To Death

A man found himself inside a tiger enclosure after his attempt to get into the zoo for free.

Proxima B
Feb 02, 2017 04:30 AM EST

Astronomers Plan On Slowing Down Spacecraft In Alpha Centauri

Could humans put a robot on the Earth-like planet in the Alpha Centauri star system?

Organizers Invite People To “March For Science”
Feb 02, 2017 04:20 AM EST

The Date Is Set; Organizers Invite People To 'March For Science'

The “March for Science” campaign aims to stand up against the shunning of scientific research and development.

Feb 02, 2017 04:10 AM EST

Scientists Crack Biggest Frog Mystery

Frog's tongue could be good inspiration for new technology, scientists find.

Feb 02, 2017 04:00 AM EST

Jellyfish Plague Follows 'Prophetic' Shark Frenzy In Israel

Jewish believers claim that these events fulfill the end-of-times biblical prophecy.

One&Only Le Touessrok Golf Course, Mauritius
Feb 02, 2017 03:50 AM EST

Unearthing The Long-Lost Continent Underneath An Indian Ocean Island

Underneath the beautiful island of Mauritius was a sunken long-lost continent.

Candy-Striped Hermit Crab
Feb 02, 2017 03:40 AM EST

New Species Of 'Candy-Striped Hermit Crab' Discovered

A new species with bright red stripes on its white claws and legs that look like a "Christmas candy cane" is just discovered.

Hackers Compete Their Skills At Seccon Cyber Security Contest
Feb 02, 2017 03:30 AM EST

Quantum Computer: First-Ever Blueprint For Building The Most Powerful Computer On Earth Developed

Scientists created the first-ever blueprint for building the most powerful computer that could revolutionize technology once built.

Aurora Borealis
Feb 02, 2017 03:24 AM EST

Solar Minimum May Cause Northern Lights To 'Disappear'

Solar activity is currently at its lowest in 300 years.

US Space Safety
Feb 02, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Has NASA Recovered From The Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster Impact?

The indigenous space shuttle fleet retired, following the incident; American astronauts depend on Russian shuttles since then.

Crab Nebula
Feb 02, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Baring The Spectacular Images Of Cat's Paw, Lobster Nebulae

Very Large Telescope captured images of the stunning Cat's Paw and Lobster Nebulae.

American Heart Association
Feb 02, 2017 03:15 AM EST

Do You Know Your Blood Pressure? Most Americans Don’t, American Heart Association Says

American Heart Month to raise awareness about the increasing mortality rate due to heart failure.

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