
Hepatitis C Treatment Drugs
Jan 24, 2017 03:40 AM EST

Hepatitis C Treatment Drugs To Decide The Share Prices Of Gilead Sciences Inc.

SOF/VEL/VOX drug combination successfully validated, now under EMA assessment.

Nature Of Mars
Jan 24, 2017 03:40 AM EST

Biofilms: Dried Slime Could Help Microbes Survive In The Salty Waters Of Mars

A study indicates that a dried slime referred to as biofilms could help microbes thrive in the salty waters of Mars.

Donald Trump's Inauguration Speech
Jan 24, 2017 03:30 AM EST

Donald Trump To ‘Unlock The Mysteries Of Space’; What Did Inauguration Speech Imply?

Donald Trump’s Inaugural address as POTUS promises to unlock the mysteries of space. What does the statement imply?

An Otter
Jan 24, 2017 03:23 AM EST

Giant Otters Unearthed In China

Prehistoric otter twice the size of the giant otters of South America was found in China.

Pope Francis Greets Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas
Jan 24, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Signs Of The End Times: Did The Pope's Meeting With Abbas Fulfill Ishmael And Esau's Alliance Prophecy?

The recent meeting between Pope Francis and Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas could be a fulfillment of an End of Days prophecy.

World's First Battery-Powered Rocket Engine To Make Space More Accessible
Jan 24, 2017 03:20 AM EST

New Zealand To Launch A Rocket To The Moon

New Zealand's Rocket Lab aims to send a rocket to the Moon as soon as 2017.

Prince William Visits Alder Hey Children's Hospital
Jan 24, 2017 03:10 AM EST

World's Smallest MRI Used To Scan The Brains Of Newborns

Doctors are using the world's smallest MRI to scan the brains of the newborns particularly the premature babies.

Galaxies And Dark Matter
Jan 24, 2017 03:08 AM EST

Dwarf Galaxies Shed Light On Dark Matter

Dwarf galaxies may explain further the existence of dark matter and the ways to understand its presence.

Jan 24, 2017 03:00 AM EST

'The Space Between Us': An Interplanetary Love Story

First human born on Mars falls in love with an Earthling in a new sci-fi love story.

Jan 24, 2017 02:53 AM EST

Sharks Gather Off The Coast Of Israel Seeking Warm Waters

Sharks gather off the coast of Israel as warm waters attract them to the area.

Jan 24, 2017 02:40 AM EST

Which Legal Jurisdiction Does The Space And Celestial Objects Belong To?

International laws govern the legal bindings and clashes occurring in space.

Deadly Tornadoes
Jan 24, 2017 02:12 AM EST

Tornadoes, Deadly Storm Hit Southeast US; 19 People Killed, 60 Injured

A violent storm devastated the Southeast in the United States during the weekend.

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