
Caspian Tigers
Jan 23, 2017 04:00 AM EST

Extinct Massive Caspian Tigers To Be 'Brought Back To Life'

Central Asia could see a new subspecies of tigers in lieu of the extinct Caspian tigers.

Jan 23, 2017 03:50 AM EST

India, US Must Join Forces On Space Research And Exploration, NASA Scientist Says

A prominent NASA scientist said that India and the U.S. must collaborate more on space exploration.

Solar Flare
Jan 23, 2017 03:40 AM EST

Cosmic Disasters That Would Make The Planet Earth In Danger

Humanity is endangered when the planet Earth is hit by cosmic catastrophes.

Global Warming Impact
Jan 23, 2017 03:30 AM EST

Larsen C Ice Shelf Crack Has Grown By Another 10 km

The crack on Larsen C Ice Shelf grows much bigger and extends more to another 10 kilometers since January 2017.

Laser Light Show
Jan 23, 2017 03:25 AM EST

Ultrafast Camera Captures Light For The First Time

Ultrafast camera captures light -- and like sound, as found that it, too, travels in a cone wave.

Solar Storm-Induced Blackout
Jan 23, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Solar Storm Blackouts Can Cost US$40B Every Day

A new study found that solar storm-induced blackouts could set back the U.S. economy by more than $40 billion every day.

Jan 23, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Avalanche Destruction In Italy Causes 30 People Missing

The deadly avalanche buried a spa hotel that caused about 30 people missing.

Jan 23, 2017 03:18 AM EST

Asteroids Might Be Camouflaged Based On New Ceres Observation

Scientists say asteroids may have mimicked other astronomical bodies.

Gladiator School Teaches Participants Ancient Combat Skills
Jan 23, 2017 03:15 AM EST

Gladiator Treasures From Rome To Arrive In Queensland

Gladiator exhibit in Queensland is the perfect avenue to learn about the ancient fighters. Tickets are now available.

Saturn’s Moon Daphnis
Jan 23, 2017 03:10 AM EST

Saturn’s Moon Daphnis Showed Up Just In Time For A Close-Up Pic

NASA Cassini spacecraft camera captured Daphnis, the wavemaker moon.

Cassini Enters Orbit Around Saturn
Jan 23, 2017 03:09 AM EST

Daphnis: NASA's Cassini Spacecraft Captures Image Of 'Wavemaker' Saturn's Moon

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured another treasure, an image of Saturn's moon, Daphnis.

One-Night Stand
Jan 23, 2017 03:05 AM EST

'I Shouldn’t Have Done That' 35% Of Women Think After A One-Night Stand, Study Reveals

More women regret saying yes to a one-night stand than men.

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