
German Astronaut Alexander Gerst Aboard The International Space Station
Jan 04, 2017 04:20 AM EST

Power System Of The ISS Will Get An Update; Crucial Spacewalk Will Be Conducted

Two spacewalks are scheduled for January to replace the old batteries on board the ISS.

Crack In Ice Shelf
Jan 04, 2017 04:10 AM EST

Filmmaker Joyce Rankin Records Climate Change In New Documentary

Joyce Ferder Rankin to film documentary regarding the Great Melt in Western Antarctica.

Record High Temperatures Exacerbate Drought
Jan 04, 2017 04:00 AM EST

Scientists Must Double Their Efforts In Combating Global Warming; Rebound Of Greenhouse Gas Emission Found

A new study revealed that scientists must work fast to achieve the Paris Agreement in fighting global warming.

Gambling Addiction Treatment
Jan 04, 2017 03:42 AM EST

Gambling Addiction Treatment Can Also Help In Treating Alcoholism And Smoking

Researchers found that administration of gambling addiction treatment can also help in rehabilitation of patients with other addictions.

Jan 04, 2017 03:40 AM EST

The New Marijuana-Related Illness Increases In States That Legalize The Use Of Cannabis

The number of people diagnosed with the new marijuana-related illness is increasing at an alarming rate in emergency rooms.

National Museum Of Natural History Previews Tyrannosaurus Rex Exhibit
Jan 04, 2017 03:30 AM EST

90-Million-Year-Old Dolphin-Like Reptile Fossil Discovered In Texas

Researchers found a 90-million-year-old Ichthyosaur or "fish lizard" imprinted on a limestone in South Texas.

Killer Whale
Jan 04, 2017 03:30 AM EST

World’s Oldest Killer Whale Presumed Dead, Reports Say

Granny, the world's oldest orca, is now presumed dead, researchers say.

Planet X
Jan 04, 2017 03:24 AM EST

Earth Is Going To End In 2017: Conspiracy Theory Suggests Planet X Will Cause The End Of The World

According to David Meade, Earth is going to end in October 2017.

Hurricane Matthew
Jan 04, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Deadly Storms Hit The Southeast States, Killed Five People And Brought Severe Damages

Deadly storms lashed the southeast and killed four people in Alabama and one man in Florida.

Human Organs
Jan 04, 2017 03:20 AM EST

Mesentery: New Organ In The Human Body Discovered

A new organ called mesentery is discovered hiding in the human's digestive system.

Lava In Hawaii
Jan 04, 2017 03:10 AM EST

The Famous Kamokuna Lava Delta Collapsed Including Its Viewing Platform Into The Ocean In Hawaii (Video)

Hawaii's Kamokuna lava delta collapsed including its viewing platform on New Year's eve.

Permanent Memory In The Brain
Jan 04, 2017 03:05 AM EST

Permanent Memory Is Stored With The Help Of Synchronous Neuron Oscillations

Synchronous neuron oscillations associated with brain waves coming from hippocampus help in storage of permanent memory.

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