
Why Farts Stink
Dec 29, 2016 05:13 AM EST

People Can Decide The Smell Of Their Fart; Study Reveals Why Farts Stink

Scientists have decoded the science behind why a fart smells the way it does.

Disintegration Of Dark Matter Calculated For The First Time
Dec 29, 2016 05:08 AM EST

Disintegration Of Dark Matter Calculated For The First Time

Russian scientists were able to successfully calculate the concentration of dark matter in the universe just after the Bing Bang happened.

Dec 29, 2016 04:38 AM EST

Neuroscience Of Generosity: How The Brain Could Be Wired Into Kindness

Scientists have found a way to make a selfish person nice.

Gravitational Waves
Dec 29, 2016 04:10 AM EST

Biggest Science Breakthroughs In 2016

Here are the biggest breakthroughs in science in the year 2016.

Dec 29, 2016 04:00 AM EST

First Case Of Bird Flu From Infected Cat To Human In New York Reported

The officials reported the first case ever of the spreading of bird flu from an infected cat to a human in New York City.

Scientists Have Detected Radio Signals From Space
Dec 29, 2016 03:50 AM EST

Are Aliens Trying To Get In Touch With Humans?

Scientists have detected radio signals from deep space.

Illegal Trading
Dec 29, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Literally 'Tons' Of Pangolins Seized In China

Three tons of pangolin scales representing 7,500 individuals seized in China.

Eclipse, Comet And Full Moon
Dec 29, 2016 03:30 AM EST

Scientists Plan To Send Transmission To Proxima B; Is This A New Strategy For Alien Contact?

Scientists want to say "Hello" to the closest but distant neighborhoods of the planet Earth in the universe.

Dec 29, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Cheetahs On The Verge Of Extinction

Cheetah numbers have declined in the last century, leading scientists to put it on the "endangered species" list.

Eye Contact
Dec 29, 2016 03:18 AM EST

Here Is Why People Cannot Maintain Eye Contact

Just because people cannot maintain eye contact does not mean they are lying.

Scenes From Uluru Still Captivating Tourists
Dec 29, 2016 03:10 AM EST

The Massive Red Rock Of Uluru National Park Turns Into Vast Water Falls Due To Heavy Rains

The Uluru National Park turns into beautiful vast waterfalls, yet quite dangerous.

Hugh Jackman's 'Wolverine' Wax Figure Receives A Manicure
Dec 29, 2016 03:00 AM EST

Wolverine-Like Material Is In, Can Self-Heal And Is Low Cost

The new "Wolverine-like" material is low cost and can self-heal.

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