
iPS Inside of a 3-D Fibrin Scaffold
Mar 02, 2012 12:25 PM EST

New 3-D Stem Cell Culture Method Published in JoVE

Stem cells are the body's mechanics, repairing damaged tissues and organs. Because these cells are able to grow into any type of cell in the body, scientists believe they hold the key to groundbreaking new therapies. To help further this research, scientists from the University of Victoria have foun...

Artificial 'womb' unlocks secrets of early embryo development
Mar 02, 2012 12:19 PM EST

Artificial 'Womb' Unlocks Secrets of Early Embryo Development

Pioneering work by a leading University of Nottingham scientist has helped reveal for the first time a vital process in the development of the early mammalian embryo. A team led by Professor of Tissue Engineering, Kevin Shakesheff, has created a new device in the form of a soft polymer bowl which...

Emissions from Oil Sands Mining
Mar 02, 2012 11:56 AM EST

Emissions from Oil Sands Mining

Using data from a NASA satellite, researchers have found that the emission of pollutants from oil sands mining operations in Canada’s Alberta Province are comparable to the emissions from a large power plant or a moderately sized city. The emissions from the energy-intensive mining effort com...

Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions off the Namibian Coast
Mar 02, 2012 11:43 AM EST

Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions off the Namibian Coast

An assortment of greens appeared along the Namibian coast in late February 2012, but unlike other bright hues that occasionally show up in the ocean, these colors didn’t result from a phytoplankton bloom. These lighter, milkier shades suggested something different.

Study Uncovers Protein That Predicts Breast Cancer Prognosis
Mar 02, 2012 11:30 AM EST

New Screening Technique Could Provide More Reliable Breast Cancer Detection

Scientists have successfully completed an initial trial of a new, potentially more reliable, technique for screening breast cancer using ultrasound. The team at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK's National Measurement Institute, working with the University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundati...

Panops baudini
Mar 02, 2012 11:11 AM EST

Flying Jewels Spell Death for Baby Spiders

Spider flies are a rarely collected group of insects. Adults are considered important pollinators of flowers, while larvae live as internal parasitoids of juvenile spiders. Eight genera are recorded in Australasia, including four genera in the subfamily Panopinae, a group of large, hairy, often meta...

BGI studies on single-cell sequencing
Mar 02, 2012 11:04 AM EST

Cell Highlights BGI Studies on Single-cell Sequencing, Leading to a New Era of Cancer Research

BGI, the world's largest genomics organization, developed single-cell genome sequencing technology and published two research papers for cancer single-cell sequencing in the research journal Cell. In the papers, which were published today in the same issue of Cell, BGI researchers applied their new ...

Dr. Peter Prentis, Queensland University of Technology
Mar 02, 2012 10:54 AM EST

Protecting Living Fossil Trees

Scientists are working to protect living fossil trees in Fiji from the impact of climate change with cutting-edge DNA sequencing technology. Dr Peter Prentis, from QUT's Science and Engineering Faculty, said the findings would enable researchers to understand how biological diversity is generated...

Mar 02, 2012 10:43 AM EST

Mystery Deepens Around Dark Core in Cosmic Collision

Five years ago, San Francisco State researcher Andisheh Mahdavi and his colleagues observed an unexpected dark core at the center of Abell 520, a cosmic "train wreck" of galaxy clusters. With new space-based telescope observations, they have confirmed that the core really does exist. But they are no...

Mar 02, 2012 10:31 AM EST

Nearby Chimpanzee Populations Show Much Greater Genetic Diversity than Distant Human Populations

Chimpanzee populations living in relatively close proximity are substantially more different genetically than humans living on different continents, according to a study published today in PLoS Genetics. The study suggests that genomics can provide a valuable new tool for use in chimpanzee conservat...

US nature
Mar 02, 2012 10:21 AM EST

Effects of Environmental Toxicants Reach Down Through Generations

A Washington State University researcher has demonstrated that a variety of environmental toxicants can have negative effects on not just an exposed animal but the next three generations of its offspring. The animal's DNA sequence remains unchanged, but the compounds change the way genes turn on ...

Nanoscale Crop Circles
Mar 02, 2012 10:01 AM EST

Solved: The Mystery of the Nanoscale Crop Circles

Almost three years ago a team of scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) was performing an experiment in which layers of gold mere nanometers (billionths of a meter) thick were being heated on a flat silicon surface and then allowed to cool....

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