
Aedes Mosquitoes
Nov 21, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Zika No Longer World Health Emergency, WHO Declares

The World Health Organization has declared that Zika is no longer a global health emergency.

Peggy Whitson Of NASA
Nov 21, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Oldest Female Astronaut Boards ISS

Peggy Whitson is the oldest female astronaut aboard the ISS at age 57.

President Obama Returns To The White House
Nov 21, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Obama Prohibits Oil Drilling In Some Parts Of The Arctic For The Next Five Years

U.S. President Barack Obama declares a ban on oil drilling in some parts of the Arctic for the next five years. Could this plan be overturned by the Republican?

Tesla Solar Roof
Nov 21, 2016 03:30 AM EST

Tesla’s Solar Roof To Cost Less Than Normal Roof

Tesla has recently unveiled its affordable solar roof with the promise of it being more affordable than conventional roofs.

Nov 21, 2016 03:27 AM EST

Researchers Found That Eating Walnuts Can Improve Young Men's Mood

A new study has recently revealed that eating walnuts can help reduce stress in young men.

Hormone Therapy
Nov 21, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Hormone Therapy Can Help Improve Bone Health In Menopausal Women

In a recent study, it was revealed that menopausal hormone therapy can improve bone mass and structure.

FILE PHOTO Rings Of The Planet Uranus Photographed In Near-Infrared
Nov 21, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Mysterious Gigantic Blue Sphere Spotted Near The Sun; UFO Enthusiasts Suggest It Is A UFO? (Video)

A mysterious blue sphere near the Sun was captured by NASA's STEREO satellites and uproared the UFO enthusiasts, stating that it was a UFO.

15th Asian Games Doha 2006 -- Day One
Nov 21, 2016 03:20 AM EST

Science Of Intuiton: When Should We Trust Our Gut Instinct?

When making difficult decisions, people are often confused on whether they should follow their gut instinct or not.

Super Moon Rises Over Dubai
Nov 21, 2016 03:12 AM EST

NASA News: Is The Moon Lopsided?

NASA explains this mysterious phenomenon through its Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL).

Brainpower After Menopause
Nov 21, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Researchers Found Connections Between Women Age Of Last Pregnancy And Mental Sharpness Post Menopause

Researchers revealed that women who have their last baby after 35 are mentally sharper in old age.

New York City To Regulate Salt Content In Restaurant Food
Nov 21, 2016 03:00 AM EST

Reducing Salt In The Diet May Protect The Heart And Kidneys Of Patients With Kidney Disease

A new study has recently revealed that reducing sodium intake may give kidney and heart benefits for patients with chronic kidney disease.

Nov 21, 2016 02:59 AM EST

17 Jobs That Create An Exacerbate Depression

Stress from work? A new study published in NCBI revealed the list of jobs that generate high level of depression.

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