
SpaceX: The Privately Funded Aerospace Company Founded By Elon Musk
Nov 18, 2016 04:52 AM EST

SpaceX Proposes To Launch 4,400 Satellites To The Outer Space; What Would The Earth Benefit From It?

If SpaceX will launch the 4,400 satellites, it can definitely be beneficial to humans.

Autism And ADHD
Nov 18, 2016 04:40 AM EST

Exposure To Allergens During Pregnancy Raises Risk For Autism, ADHD

A new study revealed a link between allergies and a number of psychological disorders.

Mayan Temple
Nov 18, 2016 04:30 AM EST

Origins Of Pyramid: Experts Believe That The Original Construction Can Be Found In Mexico

Experts might discover the origins of pyramids.

Nov 18, 2016 04:30 AM EST

Terminally Ill Girl's Wish To Freeze Body Approved By Court

A girl who has died from cancer wanted to be frozen in the hope of being brought back to life in a hundred year's time.

Dark Matter
Nov 18, 2016 04:20 AM EST

Looks Like Dark Matter Does Not Exist After All, Says New Study That Tries To Redefine Gravity

What scientists have long believed to be dark energy all these years could actually be a previously unknown characteristic of gravity.

Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9
Nov 18, 2016 04:10 AM EST

CRISPR Is Back At The Medical Scene; First Patient Is Being Treated Using The Technique

Despite the controversial CRISPR technique, a team of experts conducted the first study in human.

Residents Survey Damage Following 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake In New Zealand
Nov 18, 2016 04:10 AM EST

Sea Floor Lifts 2 Meters After New Zealand Earthquake

New Zealand earthquake lifts seabed to 2 meters up -- exploding through the sand and affecting livelihood in the area.

Outstanding Women: Claudie Haigneré, first female European in space
Nov 18, 2016 04:03 AM EST

Did This Astronaut Warn Of Aliens Before Attempting Suicide? (Video)

See the video that claims that a former astronaut warned humans about aliens.

Smog On The Thames
Nov 18, 2016 04:00 AM EST

Mystery Of The Historic 1952 London Killer Fog Finally Resolved, Scientists Claim

The mysterious killer fog that enveloped the city of London for five days has been finally unraveled, according to scientists.

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Epilepsy
Nov 18, 2016 03:50 AM EST

Children Born To Mothers With Rheumatoid Arthritis May Have Increased Risk Of Developing Epilepsy

A new study has recently linked mothers with rheumatoid arthritis and kids with epilepsy.

Nov 18, 2016 03:42 AM EST

Alien Invasion? Here Are 5 Ways Aliens Could Contact Humans

Are humans alone in the universe? If aliens really exist, are humans ready to receive messages from them?

Piloting The Only Blimp Flying In The Southern Hemisphere
Nov 18, 2016 03:40 AM EST

Australia Drops To Fifth Worst Performing Country In Fighting Climate Change (Video)

A lot of countries are doing their best to fight climate change, but others need more work to do.

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