
Nakano Developmental Cell 2019 (IMAGE)
Feb 22, 2019 08:57 AM EST

Scientists discover new type of immune cells that are essential for forming heart valves


Group of Chinese Wearing Yellow Safety Helmet during Daytime
Feb 22, 2019 08:46 AM EST

10 percent of Chinese adults have high heart disease risk, aren't treated for it

Researchers at Yale and at the National Center for Cardiovascular Disease in China just quantified a significant opportunity to improve Chinese heart health: 1 in 10 middle-aged Chinese adults are at high risk for heart disease, yet only about 3% of those at-risk are taking either statins or aspirin...

Feb 21, 2019 10:36 AM EST

Squid could provide an eco-friendly alternative to plastics

Self-healing fabric, abrasion-resistant coatings, precision drug delivery and smart textiles are among the potential applications of squid 'ring tooth' protein

Neptune and Moons (IMAGE)
Feb 21, 2019 10:15 AM EST

Tiny Neptune moon spotted by Hubble may have broken from larger moon

Astronomers call it "the moon that shouldn't be there." After several years of analysis, a team of planetary scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has, at last, come up with an explanation for a mysterious moon around Neptune that they discovered with Hubble in 2013.

Onions and Garlics
Feb 21, 2019 10:08 AM EST

Consuming garlic and onions may lower colorectal cancer risk

Consumption of allium vegetables--which include garlic, leeks, and onions--was linked with a reduced risk of in colorectal cancer in a study of men and women in China.

tobacco and alcohol
Feb 21, 2019 08:53 AM EST

How genes affect tobacco and alcohol use

Data from 1.2 million people reveal how tobacco and alcohol use may be linked to your genes and to various diseases

Measuring luteinising hormone pulsatility with a robotic aptamer-enabled electrochemical reader
Feb 21, 2019 08:47 AM EST

New robotic sensor technology can diagnose reproductive health problems in real-time

The technology, developed by researchers at Imperial College London and The University of Hong Kong, can be used to measure hormones that affect fertility, sexual development, and menstruation more quickly and cheaply than current methods.

Assymetric Surface (IMAGE)
Feb 20, 2019 09:56 AM EST

Firefly-inspired surfaces improve efficiency of LED lightbulbs

A new type of light-emitting diode lightbulb could one day light homes and reduce power bills, according to Penn State researchers who suggest that LEDs made with firefly-mimicking structures could improve efficiency.

Nanostructured Graphene (IMAGE)
Feb 20, 2019 09:54 AM EST

Breakthrough in the search for graphene-based electronics

A team of researchers from Denmark has solved one of the biggest challenges in making effective nanoelectronics based on graphene; the new results have just been published in Nature Nanotechnology

Old Couples
Feb 20, 2019 09:37 AM EST

American women have better control of high blood pressure but are more obese than men

A study of more than 30,000 Americans since 2001 has revealed significant differences in management of heart disease risk between women and men

Variety of Brown Nuts on Brown Wooden Panel High-angle Photo
Feb 20, 2019 08:54 AM EST

Eating nuts may reduce cardiovascular disease risk for people with diabetes

Eating more nuts, particularly tree nuts, may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease among people with type 2 diabetes, according to new research in Circulation Research, an American Heart Association journal.

Chiral Surface Excitons (IMAGE)
Feb 19, 2019 09:16 AM EST

Exotic spiraling electrons discovered by physicists

Rutgers and other physicists have discovered an exotic form of electrons that spin like planets and could lead to advances in lighting, solar cells, lasers and electronic displays.

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