
2017 Jeep Wrangler
Oct 21, 2016 05:40 AM EDT

2017 Jeep Wrangler Updates: Company Planning A Massive Production Next Year; New Strategy to Proceed With The Plan

2017 Jeep Wrangler is coming up really soon and Jeep plans on increasing the production to meet the demands. What strategy is it applying to achieve the results?

Obama Admin. Unveils New Policy Easing Medical Marijuana Prosecutions
Oct 21, 2016 05:40 AM EDT

Researchers Found The THC Receptor In The Brain; Responsible For Psychoactive Effect

The researchers studied the marijuana receptor inside the brain, more medical marijuana in the future?

Top Phones To Watchout For  in 2016
Oct 21, 2016 05:40 AM EDT

Top 5 Phones Of 2016 To Watch Out For This Holiday Season

Holiday season means shopping seasons and most companies have put out their best offering in the market. To help you shop the best phones we have made a list of top phones of 2016.

Palaeontologists Un-Earth Dinosour Bones In Queensland Australia
Oct 21, 2016 05:38 AM EDT

New Dinosaur Alert! Unknown Species Of Titanosaur Discovered In Australia

A new species of sauropod has been discovered in Australia.

Planet and star
Oct 21, 2016 05:33 AM EDT

Bizarre Type Of Star Formation Challenges What We Know About The Solar System, Here’s Why

The recently discovered binary-binary star formation raises questions about the formation of the solar system.

Perseid Meteor Shower
Oct 21, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Orionid Meteor Shower Will Light Up The Skies Tonight, Are You Ready To Watch?

The Orionod Meteor Shower will take place tonight.

Red Bull Heavy Water
Oct 21, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

San Francisco Bay Area Quake Warning: Two Potentially Deadly Earthquake Faults Found To Be Connected

Two earthquake faults found to be connected in San Francisco Bay Area and might cause a major earthquake, according to a new study.

President Obama Changing Mt. McKinley Name Back To Denali
Oct 21, 2016 05:30 AM EDT

Dinosaur Bones Found At Denali National Park In Alaska For The First Time

Finally, researchers found fossilized bones of a dinosaur in Denali National Park in Alaska. This proves that dinosaurs lived in the said place 70 million years ago, according to researchers.

EXOMARS Launch 2016
Oct 21, 2016 05:27 AM EDT

Schiaparelli UPDATE: Europe’s ExoMars Lander Has Probably CRASHED On Red Planet

The Schiaparelli EDM lander has most likely crashed on Mars.

HPV Vaccinations Back In Spotlight After Perry Joins Presidential Race
Oct 21, 2016 05:20 AM EDT

CDC Recommends Only Two Vaccines And Not Three Are Needed For HPV In Pre-Teens

Only two vaccines are needed for kids ages 11 to 12 years old with a six months time.

Latest Xbox 360 Backward Compatible Games For January 2017 & Xbox One Project Scorpio Price And Specs Revealed!
Oct 21, 2016 05:20 AM EDT

'Grand Theft Auto 6': Gameplay, Trailer, Release Date And System Requirements; Here’s How To Download Complete Game For PC / PS3

Rockstar games haven't yet revealed much about the Grand Theft Auto 'GTA' 6, but if the rumors are to be believed then whole U.S. is to be mapped in the game. Here's everything about the game you should know.

NASA's High Resolution Topographical Map Shows Ancient Impact Crater
Oct 21, 2016 05:18 AM EDT

Moon Crater Studied For Asteroid That Caused Dinosaur Extinction: Scientists

Lunar craters may hold the key to learning more about the Earth's history, particularly the dinosaur extinction.

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